Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Project - Farmer's Market

Every Saturday, if the sun is shining, my husband and I (and sometimes the pup) visit a Farmer's Market. We get most of our vegetables, bread and eggs from the local farmers. I also recieve something a little less tangible - inspiration, a sense of community and deep gratitude for this excellent resource. In the past, I've created yarns inspired by nature, but I wanted to work on something a bit more immediate, more grounded in the present.
Thus, my Farmer's Market Project: each week I'll take one picture at the Farmer's Market and will post it. During the next week I'll dye and/or spin a yarn inspired by that picture and will list the yarn the very next weekend. This will force me to execute my plan quickly and spontaneously and I hope to photograph the yarn in it's "natural habitat", at the next week's market!

This week's picture was taken at the Abingdon Farmer's Market; a tray of pepper plants and begonias.


evergreenknits said...

What a great idea! I love the idea of being inspired locally and seasonally by what's at your farmer's market.

Alpaca Granny said...

Neat O I'm looking forward to the promised yarn from the Farmers' Market inspiration.