Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Woolen inspiration

Fall must surely be here, because I'm aching to knit some warm woolens. When I first flipped through the Fall 2007 IK, I was immediately smitten with yoke on Eunny's Tangled Yoke Cardigan. I love this so thoroughly. I am just smitten. It seems so different from everything else I've ever seen. I planned to knit it (when I can afford to buy the yarn) and have something so unique and original.
And then I went in Old Navy:

Certainly not the same (I like Eunny's better), but the same idea: a cable wrapped around the yoke. Seeing it in person actually gave me a clearer idea of how I could execute this myself.
And of course now I'm seeing it everywhere:

Emily unkowingly pointed me to Tulle and this fantastic number. And that cable pattern keeps popping up everywhere too. I loved it when Alicia attempted it and here it is another sweater.
And you know it's a good idea when Anthropologie jumps on the wagon:

Something very different, but seems like a similar construction (yoke knitted side to side and then attached to body), see the details here.

I definitely plan on knitting a cardigan like this sometime this winter (maybe for NaKniSweMo?)!
My trolling for clothing I can't afford also turned up these Anthro-lovelies:Ok, so I'd never wear this one, but it fascinates me.

I'm actually knitting a sweater in a similar shape, in this very shade of pale natural gray. This sweater has given me a clue as to the issue of button bands (which I never to decide until the last minute) and look at that, it's on sale!

This is probably too frilly for me, but I love the gorgeous back.